Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Assignment 3 - The fantasy art

Assignment 2 is done!So now is the turn for assignment 3!
Assignment 3 theme is fantasy art which means we actually can create anything we like without any limitation.
At first , i had sketch out the idea of mine.My idea is about a gun shooting a earth.At the same time , at the top part of the bullet contains human activities that causes pollution which also means the act of human is endangering our earth.Basically,the idea is creating awareness to people that our earth is endangered!

So , where did i get that inspiration from? It actually came from a picture that madam ling shown to us as a reference.

this is the picture that inspired me for the creation of the bullet and make me had the idea for my sketch.


the one i created is slightly different from my sketch.

I had taken away the gun because in the while i doing it in photoshop i realize that it doesn't really suit to put in there and if i add the gun over there , the space that the bullet occupy will be smaller so the human act that i edit on top of the bullet will not been clearly seen.

Before doing this , i met failure several times on editing the bullet stuff and i had given up on it. i try to google out is there any other idea i can do and i found this website!


I followed the tutorial to do accordingly as a practice for my assignment 3.

this is the one i did following accordingly to the tutorial.
After i done doing this , i started to gain back my confident telling that i am able to do my idea.Then i started to try and do it again.I succeed at last.Btw i should also show how much editing i did on my Assignment 3. i shall post all the pictures that i had use below.

Just to add one more addition info, madam ling consulted my assignment 2  last week and she said there are several parts that can be improve better so i rework on it again in order to get higher marks. Below is the  assignment 2 that had been improved.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Self-Exploring with printing

Same as last week , we are doing self-exploring this week as well. Self-exploring is actually quite fun because you were never know what kind of new things you will be learn.

Furthermore , madam ling also taught us a new technique about moving some object or text to anotehr place.It's super hyper fast to do that instead of using something to erase it and type again,


Let just use this image for example.

First , place the image into photoshop.

Then , use Rectangle marquee tool to select the text on the image.

Select Content aware tool and move the box that you had selected earlier to the place you want to.

Press enter and Ctrl + D and the text now is moved as you like in a second!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Week 8 tutorial -Displacement map

All the video above are posted in MMLS. Madam Ling request us to pick one among all this video and learn how to do it.
The one i pick is Displacement map.

This is my work.

After i learned this technique , i found out it was a really useful technique on doing a lot of editing and photoshoping.By using this technique, it might save you a lot of time and can get cool results.
There are still more for me to explore and learn , this is just one of it. All i can say is photoshop is really a awesome application if you know how to work with it.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Assignment 2 --- The photobook template

Is time for an Assignment rush again.Our Second CG's Assignment , Photobook templates.

We have to pick a theme from given choices and create a photobook template which have 4 different layout based on the theme.

this is my final work for assignment 2. I chosen the theme of graduation , the reason why i chose graduation is because that i think that the celebration of season is celebrating annually but we only graduate once. Besides , the template i did can also be use when i graduate. The photobook template i did on my own and the photo of myself , families and friends. I can imagine the satisfactory i gained in my graduation if i saw this will be pretty awesome.It's not just the photo are the memories, the whole photobook are my memories.

The reason why I googled the graduation photo for my photobook is because i have not graduated yet.If i had , i will definitely use my own graduation photo.

We are also been given back a second chance to improve on our assignment 1 and this the changes that i had made.

That's all for today , bye.